
Thursday, January 24, 2013

NOvember 2016 -Pre K DLP

Snow Hill Elementary
November 2016

We are looking forward to a great great year !!

Pre K CDC Daily Schedule

                          8:45-8:50    Restroom PK/ Arrival

8:55-9:15   Breakfast (blend Pre K state)

 9:15-9:25  Restroom / Pledge , greeting, calendar
 9:25-9:40  Morning Meeting/Promo board, group time (blend Pre K state)
 9:40-10:50 Centers/IEP goals, Art, Science, Journaling , manipulatives (blend)
10:50-11:00 Restroom  (blend)               
11:10-11:30 Related arts –see rotating schedule (blend)
11:40-       Small Groups - we combine all kiddos, break into two large groups, then within those two groups , we place kiddos at three different tables. they will sit with the same children all year long to develop friendships, peer learning, and LRE. (blend)
12:10-12:15  Restroom (blend)
12:10-12:45   Lunch-Harjes (blend)
12:15-12:50   Lunch-Braswell (blend)
12:50-12:55     Songs and Word Play, literacy
1:00               Recess (blend)
1:30               Restroom, wash up, water
1:40               Songs and word play, cubbies, group IEP time
2:00               Rest/ REclining  period - if appropriate- one one time with
                       Braswell    for journaling, reading, math, self help, finishing art
                           projects, new concepts.
3:00               Snack-put up cots
                         Afternoon Centers/IEP goals-
3:30-3:45    Get ready to go home
3:30-             Car riders  walk up front (blend)
3:45              Bus Dismissal

Related Arts

Group B-Braswell







free period



UPcoming : Pre K DLP and Pre K state will be introducing a new literacy and math curriculum. . More information to come !!!!

New Name - We are no longer CDC (Comprehensive developmental classroom)
We are DLP- Developmental Learing program with an emphasis on Early Intervention.

We want to welcome - Emilia Hernandez to our classroom !

Parents - It is very important that your child come to school every day that they are not sick. If they are out sick, please send in a doctors note or a parental note.  Please be aware of the attendance policy . Our school system takes children attending school when scheduled very serious . If a child missed more than 8 days and excuse notes have not been sent it - Our Attendance clerk is obligated by law to report the absences to the state of Tennessee. They in turn will send a Social Worker to your home to investigate the reasoning for the absences. If you are sending in a note please give me a heads up to look in the backpack.

GROUP Centers- Math manipulatives, literacy table-journaling, name and word writing, alphabet, letter rec and sounds, colors, and folder matching
One on One -
Braswell- literacy manipulatives
Myree-math manipulatives
Recess: yes
Lunch:   chicken nuggets, apples, carrots, biscuit,  milk

Promethean Board-   STArfall

Songs and Words - 
Small Group- 

3 tables-
1-  letters ABCD
2-book browsing
3-color match

We have therapists work with children in our room all throughout the week. Speech therapy mainly takes place in the speech rooms.
Speech - YES Tuesdays and Wednesdays
OT- YES Tuesday and Wednesday 

Independent reading where appropriate- Consonant vowel -BLend cards, Dolch sight words

Teacher Notes:

We will be on the front porch or inside the doors every morning for drop off 8:40 and 3:30 and 3:40

School bell: 8:45

*Car riders- parents park in the parking lot and walk child to teachers

*Bus riders- bus will transfer kiddos directly to teachers.

We will eat breakfast as a group with our Pre K State friends every morning. If your child eats at home, please send a little something for them so they can participate.

Your child's backpack needs to be big enough to hold blankets, nap time friends, and classroom work. We will send home a Tuesday folder with school information.

Inclusion times with our Pre K State friends: breakfast, lunch, restroom, free center time, recess, small group rotation

UPcoming Dates:

Thanksgiving Holiday Nov. 23-25


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